The Unborn Female!
Female foeticide in India
I am talking to you, as a girl not of this Earth,
You see my parents killed me well before birth.
If one child is all they could afford to keep,
Perhaps they should have thought it through before,
And not put me in a permanent sleep!
A culture that claims that power and energy are female,
Surely they can see the error in choosing only male!
"A son will support us when we are old."
When I plead to ask the reason for my death,
Carelessly and callously, that's what I am told.
Look around you, people and tell me what you see,
A woman can't do much, is now history.
O mother, you are educated and informed,
How can you not see?
Getting rid of a miniature-you is a big blasphemy!
Yes, I am angry, at never having a fair shot,
The minute you found out my gender, rejection is all I got.
Did you stop to think before you aborted me,
That I was completely helpless and dependent,
And alive with all my limbs and heart and brain, you see?
"It's just a fetus that will feel nothing," you kept chanting,
I was a full 19 weeks old and could hear you canting.
When you went to the doctor to get the deed done,
I was fighting for my life and wondering
"Would she be doing this, if I was a son?"
I write this today to let the world know,
Us unborn daughters have a desire to show,
The unfairness with which we were treated.
So that shameless murderers do not go unpunished
Just because we have been muted.
Even animals in the wild realize it's best,
To let nature determine what is good for the rest,
Males and females born in equal proportion,
Is the only way to sustain the population!
If I could have only one wish that I could ask for
No, it would not be to be born anymore,
I wish a wish with all my heart and soul,
May such murderers never have another child,
Let my death weigh heavily on their soul!
Very touching...Kruti, you have touched my heart....